The Star by Zack Wong

The Star by Zack Wong
The Star by Zack Wong.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stepping out the closet.

I have been a Tarot Reader for abt twelve years,I've been a professional reader for the last 6/7 of those. Although I love being a reader,I've felt like I have to do it "under the table"for the longest time.

A gay friend of mine described it as being in the Tarot Closet,and that is honestly the closest I've come to being able to explain it.My husband has been my biggest supporter-although he has no clue what his Wife does,all he cares about is that it makes me happy.That's enough for him (I love that man).My Family eased into it slowly,winning my Mom over was the hardest.My Mom is a great Afrikaans Mom,she was worried what effect the Tarot would have on my soul.It's not an ungrounded fear as she was raised in a good protestant Dutch Reformed home-as I was. Eventually I explained that what I do has nothing to do with calling up the dead,in fact it has everything to do with the living and being able to help them. I regard my gift as a gift from God,and believe that He guided my way to the Tarot.We are all His instruments,we all play a different tune,but in the Big Orchestra we all fit in and make heavenly music!

My family is so well schooled by now that when I read when I'm there and the Death Card pops up they are quick to chime that it just means change!Got to love them!I can't wait to see my Mom's reaction to the CLF,she's going to enjoy it so much!

Stepping out the Tarot Closet took guts,to stand up and say " Yes I read the Tarot,and I am Fabulous" to strangers was scary. Most readers I've spoken to felt afraid of being judged,being deemed a flake or just crazy.There may even be a residual witch hunt fear in us,waiting for the pitch forks and torches to come out!We don't want to be judged,and what we care for and believe in questioned and belittled.

I have found that most folks are very inquisitive and it give me a great opportunity to dispel so misconceptions abt the Tarot. Now a days when asked what my occupation is,I say Tarot Consultant,and I say it with pride!

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