The Star by Zack Wong

The Star by Zack Wong
The Star by Zack Wong.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How and why.

"... the cards do influence me - they influence me to stop clamping down on parts of myself and give them room to speak, so that I can make an integrated, more whole choice without denying important aspects of my own role in that choice."~ le fey

Its been a while since my last post-life has been happening!Very interesting things have demanded a lot of my time-which I have given to it freely.So that it may grow and develop,finding its own way to where it must.A new history is being written as we speak!

There are as many stories about the beginning of The Tarot as there are readers of the Tarot.The History alone of how the Tarot developed is something that can keep this blog going for months,but thats a story for another day.I often sit and wonder what it was that lead to the first realization the the cards can be used as a way of divination.Who thought of that?Then I ask myself,what was it about the Tarot that drew me to it,was it the colorful imagery,that spoke to the artist in me. Was it the lure of the unknown or unknowable? I have always been drawn to the Tarot,for as long as I can remember.I was in my early twenties when I touched my first Tarot card-Tarot Marseilles.And I must admit it scared the be jeepers out of me.Not because they were evil-and by association I was now going to burn in the everlasting fires-but because I was too young,lacked life experience and didn't know enough.Not like that has ever stopped me for long!I am proudly self taught!

I remember a conversation I had with a dear friend of mine when I was 18,he asked me what I'd like to be when I left school.True as bob,I said I wanted to be a witch-not in the broom riding spell casting sense,but in the healing and helping sense. Unknowingly I sensed early on that that was where my life should head,but ignoring that little voice happens to be very easy. I trained as a gold smith and enjoyed being one,until I nearly died,and due to lung damage,could not do my beloved art anymore.Its been twelve years and I still miss that part of my life.

So my next few years was spent wandering,searching for my new "identity",until one day.I found my first deck quite by "accident".Now I realize that it was by greater design and not accident that I found those cards.They became my new destiny,my new life,the one I was supposed the live.The realisation wasn't as simple as that,as I still spent years trying to "find" myself-not knowing that I already have!

I now know that my gifts came to fore and I found greater inner peace when I became a full time Tarot practitioner.I have fulfilled that need that I felt nearly 17 years ago.I now help heal and guide people in need,the Tarot has become my souls medium of choice.

That being said,I have recently joined forces with a great friend of mine to start something new,something great,not just for us but for everyone who lives,practices and loves the Tarot.When we embarked on this journey,I asked the universe/God to guide us and help us achieve what we are aiming for-well I was posed another question by the "Voice".I was in the shower pondering this pondersome ponder,when a voice spoke to me clear as day.It asked me "Are you willing to go where this will lead you?".Without a moments hesitation I answered "yes".

So hold on to your socks folks,there is a change a comin'!

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