The Star by Zack Wong

The Star by Zack Wong
The Star by Zack Wong.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Living the Tarot life fantastic!

Tarot readers are by nature solitary folk,many of us are self taught and have learnt and developed on our own.
I had been a solitary Tarot reader for nearly 9 years before I discovered a proper Tarot Association.I wasn't quite sure what expect when I attended my first meeting,but I was awestruck by the number of fellow Tarot enthusiasts.It felt like coming home,here was a space where I could share my Tarot life and learn form others and meet great people.Its been three years since that first meet and I'm happy to say that it stuck!

What amased me from the first moment was the variety of decks that were used by the members,they came in every shape and size-much like the readers!;-)Some decks were well worn old friends,others were still stiff and new,some were traditional and some were just funky. I love decks,some may say I have a small obsession,but owning 68 decks aren't that many,in my humble opinion. What I found interesting was how every one related to their decks,every one was very reverent and respected their decks.The decks were kept in rose wood boxes,silk or organza bags,special tins wrapped in special cloths or hand made boxes,but every deck was loved.

It was then that I realized how much love goes into our lives with Tarot.Not only do you love the instruments you use,you learn to love your clients-even if they are just once offs.You feel their pain,you share their joy and you see their deepest secrets.We as readers are very privileged , we get to have a very intimate look at the lives of those we read for.As I recently said to a great friend of mine,we read because we love,we help because sometimes we're the only ones who can.

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