The Star by Zack Wong

The Star by Zack Wong
The Star by Zack Wong.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Learning when to shut up and listen.

I'm a Gemini by star sign,and I also have a lots of other planetary influences-so I talk.I talk a lot,its my thing.Although being great at talking does not mean that I'm a great listener.Or better yet it wasn't always so.

Reading the Tarot has taught me when to speak and when to be quiet and listen.Not just to what my client is saying-but more importantly to what they aren't saying.We open a door for our clients,we give them a safe space to speak out,its our duty to listen. I like to say that we do soul counselling,and many times we are privy to the most inner thoughts and feelings of clients. I regard that as a sacred privilege.

My friend Michele shared a profound insight regarding Tarot Readers and our role with me today and it has made me think. What do we as reader leave our clients with,what seeds do we plant in their souls?I know that I would like my clients -irrespective of the outcome of their readings- leave feeling hopeful,their load having been lightened somehow.

Being humble is our great lesson,learning to pay attention to the needs of others,and helping them from a pure and honest place deep within our souls. When it comes down to it for a brief period we get so see into their souls,their lives,and our soul connects with theirs.Its a sacred and profound act.

Now to something lighter,I never gamble,its just not my style.This past Saterday however I took a gamble and it paid off in spades!I went to Wizards,not looking for anything in particular.Soraya and me were having our normal chat,when something in the display case caught my eye.There was a Tarot deck in a black velveteen pouch,it was sealed in plastic.It had no name or any other identifier on it,even Soraya didn't know what it was.But it was R180 ,and that is a good price-if its a nice deck,if not its a hell of a lot to pay for a minger!!I know that once you open a deck at Wizards you buy it.So I gambled,and I bought it.

It turned out to be the Renaissance Tarot by Brian Williams.It is gorgeous,it is a nice tall deck and it has a lovely old gold look to it.The energy is phenomenal,and its so elegant,we are going to be great friends!As I said to Michele this morning this deck is choc-a-block full of symbols,Cabala and Astro signs,I love it!

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