The Star by Zack Wong

The Star by Zack Wong
The Star by Zack Wong.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Taking back Tarot

I have been wondering a lot of late about the Tarot and what it is that we as readers do. Yes I know,we shuffle and interpret the cards,but that's just the physical part what about the spiritual and emotional part?How do we do that?

Lets think about what the "World" thinks when it hears the term "Tarot Reader".First thing they imagine is Gypsy Rose in her caravan,with her bangles,crystal ball and incense. Gypsy Rose who takes a look at their cards and gasps "there take your money,there is no reading for you", or Gypsy Rose who looks into their future and see the essential Tall Dark and Handsome man.Somewhere during the reading Gypsy Rose will whip from between her ample boobies a small Vail of something or the other to help you remove that unlucky star you were born under,or give you good luck.But Gypsy Rose has held my Tarot hostage for long enough.It is time that we liberate the Tarot,time to break free from the caravan and its bead curtain.Call me the TLL Tarot Liberation League!

The first thing I'm taking back is the costume!As an art student I have seen this so many times,these fresh face innocents descend on their place of higher learning,and with a week, half of then are wearing Bohemian,Gothic or Stoner chic. The thinking is the weirder or more eccentric you look, the more you embody the role of artiste. Sadly it is the farthest from the truth,because for them being an artist is a role they play.This is the sad truth of many Tarot readers too,the thinking here is the more crystals and sacred jewelery you have hanging on you the more you will project the imagine of Tarot reader.They tend to get lost in the drama,and it starts to overshadow their gift. I know its not true of all my funky friends out there,but lets be honest we all know a few of these guys!

When you have to start acting in a certain fashion to bring your point across you are detracting from your gift.And at the end of the day is our gift and the gift we give to our clients/querents not the most important?

So what does the new face of Tarot look like? To me it has nothing to do with what you wear or are not wearing.Its all about how comfortable you feel in yourself and with your gift than anything else. Your intent shines through,as does your experience.Many readers have studied and read for years,some others have just picked up a deck. When it comes down to it should we not share our experiences for the bigger and greater good of all Tarot readers?I'm breaking down the wall of territorialism ,why is everybody so afraid of sharing what they know? Why are they so freaking aggressive and judgmental when it comes to new readers? I feel we should share and learn together.Its only fair and right that when you use someone else's intellectual property you give them the credit they deserve, stealing is wrong!

Lets try and stand together as readers and grow our precious Tarot,lets take it back from the stigma of Gypsy Rose and give it legitimacy. How will we do it? With communication and support, learning and teaching. It is up to each of us to take on this duty,in ou own way with our own special skills. No-one will do it for us,we'll have to do it ourselves!